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LINK - Adults with Disabilities

Life Skills - Independence - Networking - Knowledge

link newsletter

Program Overview

The LINK program offers social, recreational and educational opportunities for adults with disabilities. Community Education staff members work hard to provide a variety of activities to enrich the lives of LINK participants and help them to be active and engaged members of the community.

Transportation is available for a fee and is limited to those who live within 10 miles of the Central Learning Ceter. Participants are transported in Forest Lake Area Schools' vans and SUVs. These vehicles are not equipped with wheelchair lifts.

Accessible to All
All Community Education classes and activities are open to people with special needs. Please call (651) 982-8110 for more information.

If you need to cancel a class or activity, you must do so a minimum of two working days before the class is scheduled to start. Instructors will have been notified of the number of students in their class and materials will have been prepared. We cannot issue refunds for trips after the registration deadline due to bus and ticket reservations.

Contact Information

Laurie Drolson
Adult & Youth Programs Coordinator
(651) 982-8334

Janet Nutter
Secondary Youth & Adult Programs Planner
(651) 982-8328